Modern design customized kitchen window sonndproof hurricane vertical Alumi |
Temat dodano 2024-08-02 03:49:24 |
现代设计定制厨房窗户防飓风垂直铝和阳台窗户滑动是一种将现代设计与实用性相结合的优质产品。以下是其主要功能的详细描述。 首先,防飓风设计:这款铝合金垂直推拉窗是专门针对飓风等极端天气而设计的。当飓风来临时,窗户能表现出强大的抵抗力,有效防止风雨的侵入,保证家居安全。凭借其坚固的设计和稳定的结构,可以承受大风的压力,为家人提供安全的屏障。其次,采用优质铝合金材料,不仅美观大方,而且具有优异的耐用性、防水性和耐腐蚀性。铝合金材质使窗户在不失坚固的情况下变得轻盈,给厨房带来明亮、开放的感觉,增加了空间的通透感。第三,垂直推拉设计:推拉窗开启时风扇操作与墙壁在同一平面,不占用室内空间,非常适合小家庭或厨房空间不大的家庭。做饭时,可以轻松打开或关闭窗户,不影响厨房的正常使用。四、采光和通风良好:窗户设计考虑到采光和通风的需要,可以提供充足的自然光和新鲜空气,使厨房环境更加舒适和健康。五、易于清洁维护:铝合金材质表面光滑,不易沾污污垢,清洁方便快捷。同时,其优异的耐用性也减少了维护频率,为家庭生活带来更多便利。此外,它还有多种颜色和款式可供选择,可根据不同的厨房风格进行定制,轻松融入家居环境。 To sum up, the window has become an ideal choice for modern homes thanks to their excellent hurricane-proof design, high-quality Aluminium alloy materials, convenient push-pull operation and good lighting and ventilation effects. The quality of our products is unquestionable. We have obtained NFRC international certification. Meanwhile, more than 5 years quality warranty is provided. We also provide after-sale service. Usually return and replacement, online technical support, free spare parts. The delivery time is about 20 to 35 days, or determined by special quantity. Single package size is 80X8X60 cm and single gross weight is 30.000 kg. For the packaging methods, we choose suitable package and reinforce for the selected quantity when loading and transport. Please check the official website for more details. If you have any further questions about this product, please don’t hesitate to contact us.