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Flirt in Spanish
Temat dodano 2023-12-01 12:31:52

spanish pick up lines keziapickuplines.com/spanish-pick-up-lines/. Here are some phrases and tips to help you flirt in Spanish:

  1. Compliments:

    • Eres muy guapo/guapa. (You're very handsome/beautiful.)
    • Tienes una sonrisa hermosa. (You have a beautiful smile.)
  2. Expressing Interest:

    • Me encanta pasar tiempo contigo. (I love spending time with you.)
    • Quisiera conocerte mejor. (I would like to get to know you better.)
  3. Light Teasing:

    • ¿Siempre haces que el sol brille tanto? (Do you always make the sun shine so brightly?)
    • Estás en todos mis pensamientos. (You're in all my thoughts.)