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How to solve the problem of loneliness?
Temat dodano 2022-07-16 07:05:05

 Loneliness is the detachment of a person from the real world (physical, mental, spiritual) due to the unwillingness or impossibility of establishing contacts with others. According to the theory of K. Rogers, loneliness is due to the contradictions of the individual with his own Self; this is a variant of maladaptation (a problem with the assimilation of social experience).

Loneliness is not necessarily associated with social isolation. It arises, as a rule, against the background of a violation of traditional social situations of development and situational interaction of the individual with other individuals. That is, we are talking about deformation in the passage of mandatory, age-appropriate elements and the formation of interaction models.
For example, in adolescence, it is necessary to communicate with peers. If the individual was deprived of this, then he did not learn to interact either with the opposite or with the identical sex. The result is loneliness in adolescence and adulthood.
Loneliness is always based on opposite poles of feelings. That is, a person simultaneously feels, for example, fear and interest.
Overcoming loneliness is achieving freedom. This is based on activity, first of all, labor and love (according to the theory of E. Fromm). The structure of loneliness includes subjectivity, self-regulation and self-actualization. This is what I propose to work with. I’ll say right away: you need to work (for you!), It will be difficult and painful, but over time it will be interesting and pleasant.
You must clearly see the purpose for which you want to get rid of loneliness. Not a single psycho-correction can do without goal-setting and motivation. Consider how many options for the "prize", evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages. Calculate what will need to be sacrificed and what the goal will give you. Choose a landmark. Why do you want to get rid of loneliness? For what, not why. Actually, this is the first point in the fight against loneliness.
Set realistic goals and conditions for interacting with people. Break down unrealistic ideas about people and relationships.
In continuation of the above: find out your strengths and weaknesses, and then work with it. Conduct a personal diagnosis (identify the possible congenital preconditions for your loneliness). For methods, I recommend referring to A. O. Prokhorov’s manual “Methods for diagnosing and measuring the mental states of a person: a textbook”. Pay special attention to chapter three "Diagnosis of neuropsychic stress and its manifestations" and chapter four "Diagnosis of mental states in a situation of life activity." Just take and go through all the tests and questionnaires (diagnosis of stress, anxiety, asthenic condition, emotional burnout, subjective feeling of loneliness, depression, mood, temperament, frustration, self-esteem, insecurity, self-regulation). Highly recommend! All in one book. Finally meet your true self! Find out your character type, accentuations, temperament, stressful and favorable situations for you. Your innate features (there is something that we cannot change; you need to accept and stop torturing yourself).
Odpowiedź dodano 2022-07-16 14:01:10

 Communicating with friends and a loved one will quite help to solve the problem of loneliness. But there are times when partners in marriage begin to look for something more exciting and enjoyable to diversify their sexual experience. Just not so long ago, I was very interested in an offer on a dating site where couples looking for a girlfriend. As you understand, this option involves a threesome sexual adventure. While many couples may not experience this kind of attraction, I can tell you that it can really turn any person on in bed.

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 On which site can I meet a bisexual woman?

Odpowiedź dodano 2022-07-16 19:30:11

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